
Learn how Tremendous can be integrated with Afflr and can be used to payout to affiliates using gift cards

Tremendous allows you to send digital rewards, like gift cards, to your affiliates all over the globe using their mail ID. This type of reward will keep the affiliates motivated to perform better.

Step 1: Sign up with Tremendous

Step 2: Add Money to your account

Add money to your tremendous account in order to allow the gift cards requested by your affiliates.

  1. Select the billing option from the menu

  2. Click on Add Funds

You can add money to the account via credit card or using a bank account.

Step 3: Create a campaign

It is imperative to create a campaign that aligns with your affiliate program so you can send digital rewards to all your affiliates. Follow the steps to create a campaign.

  1. Select Campaign templates

  2. Click on the Create button

3. You can choose all rewards that affiliates can redeem as payouts. You can choose gift cards from various stores, charity donation cards, virtual visa cards, etc. Select the options you prefer

4. Click Continue

5. Customize the mail content sent to the affiliates when they receive the reward. You can add a business logo, change the background color, subject, and email content, and even add a video.

6. Click Save once the customization is complete

7. Check the preview of your template and then click Done

8. Enter the name of the campaign and choose if you would like to share it with the team or use it only personally.

9. Click Save Campaign

You will find the campaign saved in Tremendous.

Step 4: Integrate Tremendous with Afflr

For you to be able to pay your affiliates using Tremendous in Afflr, it is mandatory to integrate Tremendous with the Afflr app. Here are the steps to do the same.

  1. Expand the Team settings

  2. Select Developers

  3. Click Request production API Access

4. Provide the details needed in the API Access Form and keep clicking to continue

5. Click Generate an API key

6. Enter the API Key name

7. Copy API Key

8. Navigate to Afflr Dashboard, select settings->Payments, and click Configure beside Tremendous

9. Paste the API Key and click Verify

10. Select Campaign from the drop-down menu

11. Select funding source from the drop-down menu

12. Toggle the enable button

13. Click Save

Step 5: Payout with Tremendous

To payout rewards using Tremendous:

  1. Go to Dashboard -> Payouts

  2. Click the Pay button beside the affiliate name

  1. In the Pay Affiliate dialog box, enter the amount to be redeemed as a gift card

  2. Tick Tremendous checkbox

  3. Click Next

  1. Confirm the details and tick the "I approve.." checkbox

  2. Click Pay to complete the process

Additional Settings in Tremendous

Enable Low Balance Alerts

This feature will notify you when your Tremendous account balance gets lower than a certain point pre-set by you. The notification will be received as an email.

To enable this feature,

  1. In the Tremendous dashboard, navigate to Billing -> Balance

  2. Click Enable button under 'Low balance alerts'

  1. Set up a low balance alerts dialog box where you can enter the limit for low balance and tick the checkbox where notification mail can be sent.

  2. Click Turn on to set the alert

W-9 Collection

In order to ease the tax burden, Tremendous urges recipients to fill W-9 form before redeeming the card.

You can access this feature in Team Settings -> W-9 Collection

Last updated