
Learn how PayPal can be integrated with Afflr and can be used for remote payout to the affiliates

PayPal offers businesses a secure and convenient payment solution. PayPal streamlines online payments, enhancing customer trust and driving sales for businesses of all sizes.

Afflr lets you use PayPal to make payments to affiliates

PayPal offers businesses a secure and convenient payment solution. PayPal streamlines online payments, enhancing customer trust and driving sales for businesses of all sizes.

Before you begin integrating your PayPal account with Afflr, make sure to satisfy these two condition

  1. Enable the Payout option in your business account to be able to send payment

Step 1: Enable Payout

  1. Go to 'My Account'

  1. Under Permission -> Payouts -> Click Enable

Before enabling your account to send payouts, you ought to confirm a few details with PayPal. You can contact their team to enable the feature.

Step 2: Integrate PayPal with Afflr

  1. Log into your PayPal developer portal to visit your Developer account.

  2. Click Apps & Credentials

  1. Click Create App

  1. In the Create App dialog box, give a name, select merchant and respective sandbox ID

  2. Click Create App

6. Copy PayPal Client ID and Secret Key

7. Navigate to the Settings tab in Afflr, select the payment tab, configure PayPal, and paste the Client ID and Secret Key,

8. Toggle enable button

9. Click Save

Step 3: Payout with PayPal

To payout rewards using PayPal:

  1. Go to Dashboard -> Payouts

  2. Click the Pay button beside the affiliate name

  1. In the Pay Affiliate dialog box, enter the amount to be redeemed as a gift card

  2. Tick PayPal checkbox

  3. Click Next

  1. Check the details and approve tick-box

  2. Click Pay to complete the process

Last updated