Customize Affiliate Code

Learn how to personalize affiliate code based on the affiliate program or affiliate

You can customize affiliate code to suit the affiliate program or your affiliate using Afflr

The code can consist of 4 to 12 characters, allowing a combination of both numbers and letters.

Customize Affiliate Code while adding an affiliate

While adding an affiliate, if you wish to change the code of an affiliate, then simply delete the existing code and type the code you wish to change. Click save once all details are entered.

Customize Affiliate code after an affiliate is added

To customize the referral code after affiliate is added,

  1. Go to Afflr Dashboard, select Affiliates -> Click the Edit button near the Affiliate name.

  2. Scroll down and click the Change button adjacent to the referral code tab

  1. A Change referral code dialog box appears where you can edit the code and then click Change

Customize the referral code according to your needs. The code should consist of 4 to 12 characters, allowing a combination of both numbers and letters.

Last updated