Recurring Commission

Learn how to assign recurring commission for affiliates to encourage affiliates to work better and maintain long term collaboration

Recurring commission refers to a model where affiliates receive commissions on a regular basis for referrals they've made with respect to certain specific conditions.

Affiliates continue to earn commissions over time for as long as the referred customer meets predetermined criteria, such as remaining subscribed to a service, making recurring purchases, or maintaining engagement with the brand.

This commission structure will motivate affiliates to bring quality referrals and foster long term relationship.

Enabling Recurring Commission

By clicking on the recurring commission tick box, you will find two more options

Lifetime Commission

Once a customer makes a purchase using an affiliate's unique link or code, the affiliate continues to receive a commission for subsequent transactions made by that customer.

This commission structure ensures that the affiliate is rewarded not just for the initial referral, but for as long as referral is associated with the business.

Recurring Commission

Once a customer has made a purchase using an affiliate’s unique link or code, the affiliate is entitled to receive a commission for specified number of subsequent purchase made by that customer.

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