Affiliate Portal

Learn how to enable the affiliate portal to help affiliates sign up easily and track their performance

The Affiliate Portal provides affiliates with a dedicated platform to monitor their performance metrics.

Here, affiliates can register and await approval or automatically get approved based on the selection of admin.

Afflr facilitates the seamless creation of an affiliate portal in just a few clicks.

Enable Affiliate Portal

  1. Navigate to your Afflr admin dashboard -> Settings

  2. Click Overview

  3. Toggle the Enable button near the Affiliate Portal & Sign Up Form to activate it for your Shopify store

  1. In the Status update warning dialog box, click on select program

  1. Select the program you want to choose and click Add

  1. In the next dialog box, check the details, check the tick box, and click Yes.

You can either manually approve the affiliates who sign up using the portal or approve automatically by enabling the program for auto-approval.

Sign up using the Affiliate Portal

Promote your affiliate portal link on various platforms so that people will learn about your affiliate program and sign up to show their interest in joining the same.

Last updated