Affiliate Landing Page

Learn how you can attract more affiliate sign up by enabling an affiliate landing page to be part of your online Shopify store

An affiliate landing page is a dedicated web page within your Shopify store designed to provide visitors with information about your affiliate programs and options to sign up as affiliates.

With Afflr, you can easily create and customize an affiliate landing page tailored to your specific requirements and branding.

Enable Affiliate Landing Page

To activate the affiliate landing page feature in Afflr,

  1. Navigate to your Afflr admin dashboard -> Settings

  2. Click Overview

  3. Toggle the Enable button near the Affiliate Landing Page to activate it for your Shopify store

  1. A Status update warning dialog box appears that will inform you to save the affiliate page in the theme. Click yes and a new window will open.

  1. You can customize your affiliate page here and click the Save button

  1. You can find the URL of the affiliate landing page in Settings once it is saved.

Sign up using the Affiliate Landing Page

Include the ways by which affiliates can show interest in being part of your affiliate program. This might include a form to enter their details or a link to your affiliate portal.

Interested prospects can reviewed and accepted into the program with ease.

Last updated